Monday, 9 June 2008

So here you are

Salutations and welcome to Shoe tales. Finally here at last, after much procrastination, is a space for stories of shoes to be gathered and shared. Postcards have travelled from as far as China carrying anecdotes of memorable footwear - take a look at them, take a trip into someone else's shoes.
Each story is unique, and also overlaps with those around it - the way these tales are told allow a peek into people's personalities. Shoes are revealing, enticing and ordinary - every pair of shoes has a story, just some haven't been spoken about yet. All kinds of shoes appear here - can you relate to any of these postcards?
Enjoy browsing these doodles and anecdotes. Jump on the Shoetales storywagon yourself - send in a postcard and see it here soon.

1 comment:

Gamb0 said...

How I dreamed of jinking through the mid-field to score a heroic winner, whilst religiously rubbing dubbin into my heavy, goalless, leather boots.