Saturday 26 July 2008


Here's one for you, festival revellers...

My favourite pair of shoes (well actually they're sandals)
are a pair I found in the mud at glastonbury one year.
Lots of people had abandoned their shoes/trainers/etc
in the mud and this pair were looking particularly forlorn
(and they looked roughly my size) so I rescued them
from a muddy demise and took them home to the
washing-machine! They came up lovely and they're
the most comfortable pair of sandals I've ever had. I don't
know how old they were when I found them, but I've had
them about 5 years now and they're showing no sign
of falling apart.
I try to take them back to revisit Glastonbury every year
and we will be back there this month to visit their
old homestead and have a little dance!

But apart from my beloved sandals though,
I've always thought that human beings would be better
off WITHOUT feet! If we had wheels instead of
feet we wouldn't get bunions, ingrowing toenails,
blisters or sore feet. We wouldn't have to buy shoes,
socks, tights etc and would save a fortune and we would all
become much healthier. Journeys would be shorter and
greener and we wouldn't have to worry about whether
or not our shoes matched our outfits!

Do you have a pair of memorable festival shoes?
Send their story via post or email to Shoetales.
Or leave a comment below...

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